Wicked Pictures is one of the top mainstream porn studios. They are in some ways fairly progressive. They were the first major studio, for example, to mandate the use of condoms in all their movies. Most of their offerings are pretty inoffensive, too, as mainstream porn goes, and they have kept up the tradition of porn with a plot, even as the rest of the world has been overtaken by 'gonzo'.
Although many of the movies reviewed here are marked as intended for couples, they are not 'feminist' porn in any significant sense. The camera work, in particular, tends to exhibit a strong male gaze, even when the movie is directed by a woman. But we have heard good things said about some of Wicked's movies, by people we trust (in particular, by Chauntelle Tibbals), and some of these movies have won significant awards, so we thought we should at least give some of them a chance.
★★★★☆ | Divorcees (Stormy Daniels) |
★★★☆☆ | Underworld (Brad Armstrong) |